
News, Minutes and Bylaws


Annual Meeting 2024 - Band
Annual Meeting 2024 - Dancing

Photos from this year's  Annual Meeting at the Boise Hills Park on September 22, 2024.   Boise Heights Neighborhood Association scheduled a band for entertainment.  After the meeting, there was some socializing and dancing.  Thanks to Maria Essig for the photos.

Check out our Annual Report to Boise City.  We submit one of these reports each year in January.


Our new Boise Heights Neighborhood logo, with color.

Strict Buckwheat Entryway garden 2
Strict buckwheat

This is Strict Buckwheat— Erigeron strictus, native to the west end of our site. In gorgeous late summer bloom. 

BH entry Aug 2023
Flowers BH entry 8.2023

Updated photos of the Boise Heights Entryway Project, September 2023

Kids picking goatheads

Guiffre's and their grandchildren picking goatheads this August.

Logo Option A
Logo Option B
Logo Option C

The 3 Logo Choices and the Winner

Our president, Don Essig, recently sent an email to the entire neighborhood to vote for the logo that will be placed on 12 signs around our neighborhood for the city's "placemaking" grant we received.  The voting has been completed and Option A, the logo design with the hawk, has won.  The logo will now be colored by the design team and the signs fabricated and installed

Results of Neighborhood Vote on Sign Logos
Entry Way update Aug 2023

Photo Update of Spring Entry Way Project

The plantings from our spring project are growing!   Our entry way beautifcation project is getting better by the day.  There will be a few more native plants added this fall.

Boise Mayor's Monarch Challenge

The Boise Mayor has sent information to our neighborhood to help encourage the Monarch Butterfly's habitat.  The mayor has also included some links to report Monarch Butterfly sitings.  Please read the Mayor's letter here.

Time to Cut Firebreaks

We live in the Wildland Urban Interface.  An important aspect of living here is to reduce available fuel in case of wildfires.  It is time to cut your firebreaks if you have any stands of  weeds that will dry over the summer.  For more information, go to the Ada Fire Adapted Website.


We have added a page to help the people in the  neighborhood identify certain weeds that are on our trails and open areas.  There is a link at the bottom of each page to Weeds or you may follow this link.

Men working on Wall Rebuild
Wall Rebuild 1
Wall Rebuild wall perscpective
Wall Rebuild Jim Guiffre and other

Wall Building in mid-May, 2023

Entry Way Beautification, Jim Giuffre
Entry Way Beautification, Jim Giuffre
Entry Way Project Work Group Feb. 25
Entry Way Project Work Group Feb. 25
Entry Way Fireprone Species Removed
Entry Way Fireprone Species Removed

There is a new update on the Entry Way project.  Please see the Spring 2023 Newsletter for details.

Board Meeting Minutes

To view the Meeting Minutes or the Bylaws: If you are in Google Chrome, sign out of your Google account and then click on the link.