Annual Report to Boise City, January 2024
What steps is your neighborhood association taking to ensure equitable representation and inclusion on the board, at events, and in general membership (geographic, renter/owner, demographic, business representation, etc.)? *
Our neighborhood is rather small, compact and entirely residential. All residents are members by virtue of living in the neighborhood and our communications go out to everyone we can reach. Regularly via e-mail, but at least once a year via a printed hand-delivered flyer/newsletter.
That said, we are cognizant of geographic representation on the board, and we try to recruit new board members from various streets (geographic areas). There are eight streets in the neighborhood, nine if you split Crestline into east and west. Currently the Board has members from six of those streets, eight until departures in the last year. As we look for new board members we will focus on those streets – geographic portions of the neighborhood – not currently represented.
What methods of outreach does your Neighborhood Association use to communicate with the membership? *
E-mails are our most common means of communication to all and we distribute a printed flyer to all residences in the spring of each year. The spring 2023 flyer is attached.
There is also word of mouth as we encounter one another on walks. We also have a Neighborhood Association information sheet we give to new residents.
As of last year, we now also have a web site where we announce meetings and events, post minutes, and provide other information such as links to Firewise materials for our neighbors and others to access. This report will also be posted there.
Please provide links to your Neighborhood Association sites, if applicable.
Does your Neighborhood Association have a newsletter? (electronic/print) *
Our annual spring flyer updates neighbors on news of the last year as well as upcoming events. In addition, we send out periodic e-mail updates.
How frequently do you distribute your Neighborhood Association Newsletter?
Once a year in the spring, usually May.
How do individuals sign up to receive the Neighborhood Association Newsletter?
No need to sign up to receive it, it is provided to every household.
How many people are on your Neighborhood Association email list?
Our current neighborhood master list has 137 residences and 177 e-mail addresses.
How did you inform residents about the 2023 annual meeting? *
We sent out e-mails to all on our mailing list and put-up sandwich boards at three locations, including the single street access point to our neighborhood.
When and where was your annual 2023 meeting held? *
Our 2023 annual meeting was held in Boise Hills Park on the afternoon of Sunday, September 24th.
How did you inform residents about the board elections? *
Our bylaws specify the Board elects its replacement members. We send out an e-mail with the results and post our board roster to our website.
What was the approximate attendance at your 2023 annual meeting? *
What were the top three priorities for your Neighborhood Association this year? *
- Improve notification/attendance at annual meeting.
- Recruit new board members.
- Complete sign-topper Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) grant.
In addition, we plan to continue our regular activities of weed control, trail maintenance, and Firewise education.
Please highlight the association’s accomplishments or small wins for 2023. *
Improved fire safety through education and fuel reduction.
Beautified entrance to neighborhood through weed/fuel removal, planting of native vegetation, and relocation of eroding trail.
Went online with a neighborhood website.
Have a new logo for neighborhood as product of NIP grant.
Continued summer weed abatement (principally goatheads) as well as Earth Day trash pickup on open space trails around neighborhood.
Please share any projects, programs, and efforts planned for 2024. *
Improve notification/attendance at annual meeting, complete sign-topper Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) grant, engage city and Jayo to gain easement and begin design of bowl connector trail and recruit new board members.
Additional DocumentsUpload most recent copy of bylaws
Bylaws, Board Roster, Spring 2023 Flyer, Neighborhood Info Sheet 2023, New BHNA Logo
Additional ImagesUpload photos of 2023 neighborhood events
* Required